Why The Agreements Of Yalta Dissolved Into The Disagreements Of Potsdam

The Poles, but also the Czechs and Hungarians, had begun to drive out their German minorities and the Americans and The British were extremely concerned that a massive influx of Germans into their respective areas would destabilize them. Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary have called for the deportations to be temporarily suspended and carried out “in an orderly and humane manner” upon their resumption. Potsdam – July 1945: Germany is defeated, Roosevelt died and Churchill had lost the 1945 elections – so there were open disagreements. Truman came furious at the height of the reparations and the fact that a communist government was created in Poland. Truman did not tell Stalin that he had the atomic bomb. Give the reasons why the Yalta agreements dissolved in Potsdam`s disagreements. The main objective of the Potsdam conference was to put an end to the post-war period and to put into practice all that had been agreed in Yalta. While the Yalta meeting was rather friendly, the Potsdam conference was marked by differences of opinion that were the result of some important changes since the Yalta conference. Despite many disagreements, Allied leaders managed to reach some agreements in Potsdam. Negotiators thus confirmed the status of Germany demilitarized and disarmed among the four zones of the Allied occupation. According to the protocol of the conference, there should be “complete disarmament and demilitarization of Germany”; all aspects of German industry that could be used for military purposes should be removed; all German military and paramilitary forces should be eliminated; and the manufacture of all military equipment in Germany was prohibited.

In addition, German society should be redeveloped by the repeal of all discriminatory laws of the Nazi era and by the arrest and trial of Germans considered “war criminals” on the democratic model. The German education and judicial system should be purged of all authoritarian influence and democratic political parties would be encouraged to participate in the management of Germany at the local and national levels. However, the re-establishment of a German national government was postponed indefinitely and the Allied Control Commission (composed of four occupying powers, the United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union) would rule the country during the interregnum. The creation of a United Nations organization – the division of Germany into zones of occupation for each power – Berlin (in the Russian zone) will also be divided into zones – similar arrangements for the occupation of Austria – free elections in the states of Eastern Europe – Stalin would join the war against Japan 3 months after the defeat of Germany – Besarabian and the Baltic States of Lithuania , Latvia and Estonia (seized by Stalin in 1939) will become part of the USSR after Jalta in the USSR, when Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov expressed concern that the formulation of the Yalta agreement could hinder Stalin`s plans, Stalin replied: “Don`t worry.

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